U.S. Population, 2010: 308 million and growing
By. Robert Schlesinger
The Article states that the population in America is around 308,408,400 people, and grew by 2.6 million in just one year. According to the article, there is a new birth every eight seconds, and there is a death every twelve seconds. An interesting fact that the article states is that there is nearly 1 new immigrant every 37 seconds. The idea that the population is increasing at such a fast rate, is scary. It would seem that there is an umbrella effect going on. As more people are admitted into the united states, there is more births and immigrants. There is no way to stop the rapid increase due to the amount of people in the U.S. and the amount that are still entering. The population is an obvious problem, and it would seem that there is no way to change it, but with the increase in population, it leads to more scientists, designers, architects, etc. With these people, the population will still be able to increase due to the technologies and space available for people. This will still only prolong the unavoidable end, an extreme downfall in population due to the effects of nature or an other obsticle. I see the world becoming a futuristic movie, with extremely large, high tech, cities and areas of depression and death, but this will take thousands of years to come to.
